• 7 Principles of Self Sustaining Strategic KAIZEN Culture Exegens Alin Posteuca

Failure of continuous improvement

By Dr. Alin Posteucă

Many organizations are struggling to make continuous improvements. But, one fact is obvious: often organizational leaders are disappointed with the results of continuous improvement. Is failure an option? Of course not. Especially in these trying times.

What to do? How to maintain the momentum for strategic improvements? How to get opposing factions to work together? Strategic Kaizen for performing Synchronous Profitable Operations (SPO; or ideal state of operations) ensures the simultaneous fulfillment of financial and operational expectations without investments. Details…

Organizations practice the following the 7 Principles of Strategic Kaizen Culture, self-sustaining culture:

  1. Establish tangible and congruent targets between the managerial ones and those for the activities of each employee;
  2. Clarify, position, and strategically implement Strategic Kaizen projects to achieve mid-term goals.
  3. Realizes the need for strategic transformation (flow reform) and the need for management capacity to implement the transformation.
  4. Build and operate interconnected result management mechanism with Strategic Kaizen results.
  5. Creating a continuous visibility of non-productivity continuously translated into costs, costs that are strategically improved – the Polar Star of Strategic Kaizen;
  6. Execution of Strategic Productivity Improvements in symbiosis with daily improvements – continuous financial visibility of productivity improvements at budget and cost level;
  7. Practice Strategic Kaizen Leadership effective for stimulating people’s creativity by offering useful examples and Strategic Kaizen best practices – with managers at the center.

Making people feel valued is essential to maintaining the momentum for Strategic Kaizen no matter how well the previous Strategic Kaizen process work.

Come to our unique training to learn how to be a Strategic Kaizen Coach from the author of the Strategic Kaizen concept. Details…

Source: Alin Posteuca on LinkedIn

Strategic productivity and profitability consultant and researcher, Alin Posteucă, Ph.D., Ph.D. is transforming the way companies approach their strategic transformation. With over 20 years of management consulting experience, Posteucă has created effective concepts such as Strategic Kaizen, Takt Profit, KAIZENshiro Budgets and Costing. His research on production flow has led to innovative breakthroughs in strategic and operational productivity improvement.

Posteucă's investigation into typologies of losses and waste has identified feasible improvements that can achieve the ideal state of production flow, known as Synchronous Profitable Operations (SPO). His Takt Profit model allows the optimization of production planning, transforming profit per minute into objectives for strategic improvements achieved through Strategic Kaizen projects.

Posteucă's research has led to increased effectiveness in strategic improvements and has set the stage for future productivity in the world of manufacturing technology. He is laureate of the Romanian Academy of the "Traian Vuia" Prize, the highest scientific prize in Romania.