Industry 4.0 & the future of productivity
Industry 4.0: best practice, the role of man and the future of productivity in factories
Increasingly, it is believed that Industry 4.0 will significantly transform the design, manufacture, operation, services and manufacturing systems as a whole. As some of you already know, Industry 4.0 has 9 pillars: (1) Big data and analytics; (2) Autonomous robots; (3) Simulation; (4) Horizontal and vertical system integration; (5) The Industrial Internet of Things; (6) Cybersecurity; (7) The cloud; (8) Additive manufacturing și (9) Augmented reality. In fact, lately, Industry 5.0 is already talking.
So what examples of Industry 4.0 best practice do you know? What is their impact on the long-term plant productivity (equipment, man, materials, space and utilities)? Starting from the fact that the difference will continue to be done by man, which may be the role of man in the future in a Industry 4.0 environment?
Source: Alin Posteucă on LinkedIn