Alin Posteucă, Ph.D., Ph.D.
The ”Traian Vuia” Prize Laureate of the Romanian Academy
Research priorities: strategic productivity improvement, production planning for takt profit, KAIZENshiro budgeting, profit bottleneck, work innovative design.
He is a consultant in productivity and profitability, CEO of Exegens®.
Alin Posteucă is a “Traian Vuia” Prize Laureate of the Romanian Academy – Department of Technical Sciences (highest scientific prize in Romania). This prize is for scientific research in the field of operational excellence.
He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania, and another PhD in Managerial and Cost Accounting from the Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania. A did PhD research studies at the Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Sweden. He received his MBA from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania. Posteucă has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Computer Science from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania. He is a Certified Public Accountant in Romania.
Research priorities:
Alin Posteucă is a Romanian consultant in productivity and profitability whose main focus is the field of Takt Profit. He has more than 20 years of management consultant experience and received appreciations from his clients – top management – especially for the direct contribution to improve corporate performance with his own developed methodologies of Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD – strategic productivity system for target profitability), Speed-Based Target Profit (SBTP – production planning and control system to achieve the ideal state of the flow; Synchronous Profitable Operations – SPO), and Strategic Kaizen (SK – comprehensive productivity improvement system to achieve successive targets of Takt Profit with minimal or no investments) rather than the introduction of many conventional topics.
When researching the interactions between operating target time and inventory structures at the manufacturing flow level, he identified detailed typologies of losses and waste for each cost structure and discovered the modeling necessary to simultaneously achieve the operational and financial target performance expected by manufacturing companies. Posteucă used this research to determine the potential for feasible strategic productivity improvements and thus made it possible to choose and implement the most effective Strategic Kaizen projects to strive for the ideal state of manufacturing flow (SPO).
Posteucă investigated the typologies of losses and waste, such as, for example, losses of production volume or losses and waste for production control and their impact on cost structures. He showed how the effects of losses and waste on costs can be used to set improvable value targets of SPOs to achieve Takt Profit targets at the same time as takt time targets. He showed how to convert the target profit into Takt Profit (or profit per minute), thus facilitating planning and optimizing production, to continuously achieve the target profit, regardless of sales trend, increasing or decreasing. Takt Profit offers the possibility to establish the ideal and target state of SPO and consequently the strategic direction of feasible improvements. Production planning with the help of Takt Profit can turn the profit per minute into objectives of the strategic improvements achieved through the Strategic Kaizen projects. Alin Posteucă’s Takt Profit allowed the effectiveness of strategic improvements to increase considerably.
Today, many manufacturing companies use Takt Profit to achieve an effective and efficient balance between management results and management resources. In this way, production planning with the help of Takt Profit has the effect of integrating productivity review and improvement directly within the planning process and the transition from empirical to scientific strategic productivity improvements.
Posteucă is currently involved in research that focuses on the productivity of the future technologies.
He is a regular speaker at conferences and congresses covering topics such as: (1) productivity and profitability, (2) industrial engineering, (3) industrial strategies, (4) productivity competitive strategy.
Published books:
Contact Alin to find out how he can help you improve productivity to meet expected profitability. Schedule a day and time to talk via phone, Zoom, or Skype.