Methods Design Concept (MDC) Training: Productivity for Profitability Improvement

In house sessions available.

Improving productivity more than 200% without investment, with creative/ innovative approach.

Training Certification

The Romanian-Japanese training certification (Exegens® Romania – Dr. Alin Posteucă and Productivity Partner Incorporation Japan – Dr. Shigeyashu Sakamoto) will be issued to each participant.

What Is This Productivity for Profitability Improvement Training and Why Is It Unique and Innovative?

Methods Design Concept (MDC)  is the innovative manufacturing process redesign methodology, with the full support of industrial engineering science, to increase profitability through productivity. The goal of MDC is to show how much to improve productivity (M – Method, P – Performance and U – Utilization) and how to do it, and to materialize this improvement in terms of staff allocation, optimum flow, and profitability. The training program on MDC was designed with the direct guidance of Dr. Shigeyasu Sakamoto, who developed and published the concept.

Profitability and productivity are and will remain the core challenges of any company. In this context, some questions arise: What methodology can be used to design a working method at the shop floor level? How to set a goal for designing the future work method? What is the role of industrial engineering? How do people really get involved in getting an effective and efficient design of the future work method?

In order to achieve real and consistent profitability and productivity over time, the MDC methodology is beyond the current approaches to improvements such as: small group activity, MUDA KAIZEN, MUDA HERASHI. So, MDC is a totally different approach to KAIZEN and/ or work simplification. These widely used approaches are based in particular on participatory management rather than on how industrial engineering approaches to finding and developing winning solutions. Therefore, MDC implementation results show unique improvement results which are clearly different compared to other improvement methodologies.

Main Goals of MDC:

  • Increasing the equipment/ line capacity in the bottleneck process
  • Products design contents: redesign for easy assembly work
  • Bottleneck synchronization to takt time
  • Lead time reduction
  • Reducing changeover/ set-up time
  • Reduction of WIP and materials stock
  • Reducing shop floors’ manning.

What Can I Expect to Learn?

Can you imagine effective corporative level results on productivity and ROI? The MDC methodology itself is not a methodology to find unique improvement ideas, but it leads and stimulates to find innovative/ unique improvement ideas through MDC methodology step by step. There are unlimited improvement ideas that are missed without recognition by management, industrial engineers, and any other people who are interested in productivity and profitability improvement. So, MDC can be described as a methodology whose unique improvements are embodied rather than random searching of improvement ideas. MDC is a methodology that works to support actively and find concrete improvement ideas rather than just simply saying improved comparing to present practices.

Why cheap expenses can be lead? MDC activity starts from blank sheet condition of objectives, MDC never do starts from present methods themselves. This is a quite important point of MDC success story. Any deep study of present methods are not able to find innovative results because present methods themselves are not challenging objects. A key point is interesting to Function of present work contents, a function leads new methods to satisfy the Function. MDC calls it BF, basic function and auxiliary work contents are AF, auxiliary function. The share of two functions in present working methods are normally 20 ~ 30% and 80~70% for BF and AF.

To support finding new methods ideas, MDC steps set improvement target as KAIZENSHIRO. This aims a possible improvement through BS, brain storming. Its value can set as one of MDC steps. MDC is the approach for working methods change, MDC approach of design point of view as like a base of any engineering approaches. You are recommended to change running truck of working methods if you feel discontent so far.

So, during the Methods Design Concept (MDC): Productivity for Profitability Improvement training program, the participants will:

  • understand the principles, phases, steps, essential tools of MDC development to ensure productivity and profitability at shop floor level;
  • deeply understand what needs to be changed in the organization to meet KAIZENSHIRO using MDC;
  • create a unique and innovative way of working to reduce and eliminate AF, auxiliary function.

So, You Can’t Manage Productivity, If You Can’t Measure Productivity.

What Will This Training Do for Me?

MDC has well organized steps to developing step by step engineering approach, leading you to automatically unbelievable improvement results. MDC contents/ steps are extremely orthodox, no question about difficulties of implementing for success. Anybody can do it successfully for productivity and profitability improvement.

According to companies who adopted MDC for their productivity improvement, for 300 ~ 500% improvement is required small amount of money which means not capital investment; this means the improvements do not rely on large scale of hardware change such as capital investment. This leads to ROI improvement as well.

For example, HB Co. marked 732% of ROI, return on investment and 510% on labor productivity. The improvement results are due to successful MDC activity in three years. The cost items share improved 18 to 4% on labor cost, 19% to 52% on profit.

This program will help participants to:

  • understand the necessary thinking to achieve KAIZENSHIRO;
  • understand how to develop MDC steps to support Real Productivity and Profitability Improvement;
  • learn how to set and run real improvement and continuously involve all people.

How Is This Methods Design Concept (MDC) Training Program Structured?

1) What is Methods Design Concept (MDC)? The place and role of the MDC in Industrial Engineering (IE).

2) Industrial Engineering and Productivity: What Is Productivity? Purpose of Productivity Improvement. How Much Productivity Improvement Is Expected by MDC?

3) Outline of the Engineering Approach to Productivity and Three Dimensions of Productivity: Methods - M, Performance - P, and Utilization - U.

4) Relationship of M, P, and U to Standard Time: Methods and Performance Meaning with Standard Time; Meaning of Standard Time on the Productivity Dimension.

5) Methods Design Concept: Application Results; Fundamental Points; Features; Areas of Design.

6) Debrief and reflection.

After Day 1, a meeting of participants will take place from 18:00 until 19:00 for networking.

7) Development of the 6 Steps of MDC:
• Setting a Model of Working Methods;
• Defining Functions of All Work Contents;
• Setting Design Target as Improvement Value – KAIZENSHIRO;
• Searching/Creating Improving Ideas;
• Modifying and Summarizing Ideas as a Concrete New Method and
• Implementing New Methods as a New Model.

8) Key to Success Points of MDC through Practices: Top-down Activities; Design Approach; Full-time Project Teams; A Key Person Is the Project Leader.

9) Work Measurement and MDC: Standard Time; Allowances; Performance Control.

10) Practical example of MDC.

11) MDC and Target ROI.

12) Debrief and reflection.

The Trainer:

The trainer of the Methods Design Concept (MDC): Productivity for Profitability Improvement Training Program is Dr. Alin Posteucă. The training was designed with the direct guidance of Dr. Shigeyasu Sakamoto, who developed and published the concept.

Companies That Have Successfully Applied MDC Come From:

  • Aluminum Manufacturing (Japan)
  • Automobile Manufacturing (Japan, Scandinavian Peninsula)
  • Brewing Industry (Scandinavian Peninsula)
  • Camera Manufacturing (Japan)
  • Computer & Telecommunication Products Industry (Japan)
  • Cosmetic Industry (Japan, Scandinavian Peninsula)
  • Constructions (Japan)
  • Electrical Goods Industry (Japan 2, Germany, Italy)
  • Food Industry (Japan 3)
  • Food Materials (Japan)
  • Machinery Industry (Japan)
  • Printing Industry (UK)
  • Sanitary Goods (Scandinavian Peninsula)
  • Sheet Glass Manufacturing (Japan)
  • Steel Industry (Japan, Scandinavian Peninsula)

Who Should Attend?

This Methods Design Concept (MDC): Productivity for Profitability Improvement training program is specifically designed to show top managers, industrial engineering professionals, improvement professionals and practitioners how to continuously and profitably transform processes by innovative manufacturing process redesign methodology, with the full support of industrial engineering science, to increase profitability through productivity.

Registration Deadline: March 9, 2020

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