• Non-digitalisation loss and Kaikaku

Non-digitalisation loss & Kaikaku

By Dr. Alin Posteucă

It is obvious that the show of digitalisation, which we all attend, is aimed at increasing the level of productivity (and quality). This “show” will cover all areas around us – it is the new global resource.

At the company level, the lack of productivity growth has many causes. One of them is the lack of an adequate investment plan. Innovation through digitalisation is often found in the creation of new products, new processes, new technologies, new materials – better, more efficient and easier to implement and use. Extending the use of current/outdated equipment and technologies seems at first glance to be a cost-saving measure for managers, but this may actually mean at least a loss of opportunity to benefit from a shorter processing time that can be achieved by digitalisation and new equipment, which actually creates an increase in costs.

Many companies already have master plans for achieving the ideal state of dream digitalisation factories with tangible and intangible results in KPIs.

So, are you aware, measure and act upon to reduce/eliminate non-digitalisation loss by running KAIKAKU projects? Is the opportunity cost of digitalisation fully understood by top managers?

Source: Alin Posteucă on LinkedIn

Strategic productivity and profitability consultant and researcher, Alin Posteucă, Ph.D., Ph.D. is transforming the way companies approach their strategic transformation. With over 20 years of management consulting experience, Posteucă has created effective concepts such as Strategic Kaizen, Takt Profit, KAIZENshiro Budgets and Costing. His research on production flow has led to innovative breakthroughs in strategic and operational productivity improvement.

Posteucă's investigation into typologies of losses and waste has identified feasible improvements that can achieve the ideal state of production flow, known as Synchronous Profitable Operations (SPO). His Takt Profit model allows the optimization of production planning, transforming profit per minute into objectives for strategic improvements achieved through Strategic Kaizen projects.

Posteucă's research has led to increased effectiveness in strategic improvements and has set the stage for future productivity in the world of manufacturing technology. He is laureate of the Romanian Academy of the "Traian Vuia" Prize, the highest scientific prize in Romania.