Strategic Kaizen: Master Plan
The concept of Strategic KAIZEN is an extremely necessary for companies to achieve continuous fulfillment of business expectations in the Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD) system and in the Speed-Based Target Profit (SBTP) paradigm. To support the annual and multiannual Strategic KAIZEN and KAIKAKU projects, the Productivity Master Plan based on the Productivity Business Model of MCPD is continuously developed.
”Productivity Business Model (PBM) is a process to support the full implementation of a robust multiannual productivity program at all levels of a company to support long-term profitability and competitiveness. It is the implementation framework of the MCPD system and consists of seven main phases:
(I) Company’s productivity vision (CPV);
(II) Company’s productivity mission (CPM);
(III) Productivity core business goal strategies;
(IV) Productivity Strategies (Level 1: the basic productivity strategies; Level 2: the departmental productivity strategies; and Level 3: the product family productivity strategy);
(V) Productivity policy deployment (OMIs, KPIs, KKIs -N/A: Strategic KAIZEN and KAIKAKU, DMIs);
(VI) Productivity Master Plan (for five years, three years and one year, continuously updated for the next 12 months) and
(VII) Productivity Continuous Feedback to Company Productivity Vision.”
Source: Alin Posteuca on LinkedIn
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