Often over time you have had to deal with cost reductions. More recently, some of you have decided that you need to find additional solutions to reduce costs by 5%, 10%, 20% or even 30%, in addition to the compensation for certain orders. In this context, you simply do not see how the cost reduction can be done.
However, […] -
Companies that do not control their costs do not stay in the market. Are everyone in the company aware enough of the importance of costs in these times? How can you double your profits? Can you sell and produce twice as much? Could your company grow to double the current size in the same market? Well…. you don̵ […]
After the various improvements have been implemented, the total value of the cost improvement often seems to be high, but it does not seem to bring visible improvements in business results (especially competitive price, volume and profit).
Having spent a lot of time in several companies lately, the current challenges are […] -
We invite you to the next session of the Controlling – Costing, Budgeting and Cost Reduction open traning that will take place on February 19-21, 2020, in Sibiu. This program is specifically designed to show top managers and professionals in Controlling the necessary individual and organizational adjustments for th […]
Companies need to be focused on continually planning and developing their Profitability Lifelong Journey on the basis of Innovation, Productivity and Leadership Lifelong Journey.
For this, being convinced that if people first learn, then they will be able to work, we have developed 53 training & workshop programs of […] -
Lately, more and more large companies have introduced a new department: COST IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT – with an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary approach. Some companies only have Cost Improvement Coordinator. The underlying need or mission of such a department is obvious because cost has become and tends to b […]
Annual Manufacturing Cost Improvement (MCI) Targets and Means through MCPD
In the last period, the basic features of planning and control of manufacturing flow have as main objectives:
cost down and cash up and then
delivery times with inventory, WIP and stocks levels and lead time with productivity(even if the la […] -
To be honest, many of those who make improvements just review what has already been designed.
Often real-time business managers say:we need an improvement in price competitiveness on the basis of a continuous and flexible reduction of unit costs;
we would like to reform the current profit structure so we can inte […]
The basic goal of MCPD thinking is to ensure a sustainable competitive supremacy through cost-competitiveness improvement to achieve real structural profit reform based on productivity reform.
At the beginning of the MCPD projects, managers and practitioners are concerned about:concomitant reconciliation between the […]
Open Controlling Training – April 2019, Cluj-Napoca:
Controlling I: Basics of Controlling – 8th, 9th of April 2019 – Cluj-Napoca.
Controlling II: Cost Reduction and Profitability – 15th, 16th of April 2019 – Cluj-Napoca. During this module, several real cost reduction examples will be presented to ensure the competitivene […]