Original Thinking of Strategic Kaizen
The concept of Strategic Kaizen is an extremely necessary concept for companies to achieve continuous fulfillment of business expectations.
The strategic choice of the most effective and efficient KAIZEN and KAIKAKU projects are essential elements of the companies’ strategies to continuously meet the expectations at the level of KPIs, objectives, mission and vision of the companies in order to achieve the desired level of competitiveness and profitability, both in the short term, but especially in the medium and long term.
In my four books so far, to meet annual and multiannual target profit, I have presented the general framework, specific mechanisms and over 30 practical applications of Strategic KAIZEN and Kaikaku (as strategic Manufacturing Cost Improvement means – MCI) to achieve continuously MCI targets at the level of processes and products.
In this context, the concept of Strategic KAIZEN has over 230 direct and indirect appearances in the texts of my 4 books from 2017, 2018, 2018, 2020.
Source: Alin Posteuca on LinkedIn
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