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Studiu de caz SMED

By Exegens

Multe companii se lupta cu Changeover Time, cu OEE si cu reducerea continua a costurilor. Uneori, companiile nu vad relatiile dintre OEE si profit. Inspirat de acest lucru, Dr. Alin Posteuca a sustinut o prezentare in cadrul conferintei: ”7th International Working Conference – TQM & Advanced and Intelligent Approaches’’, University of Belgrade, Mechanical Engineering Faculty – Serbia, Iunie, 2013.

Titlul prezentarii a fost: ”Quick Changeover: continuous improvement and production costs reduction for plastic-molding machines” – analiza a OEE.

Sursa: Alin Posteucă on LinkedIn



Exegens® is a global consulting firm specialized in operational excellence, cost improvement and business performance improvement. Exegens® team helps customers create and implement profitable strategies and cost improvement programs that ensure a unit cost improvement of at least 6% per year for each of the next 5 years by maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.