• Lansare carte: TAKT PROFIT – noua paradigmă a productivității

Book Release: TAKT PROFIT – the new productivity paradigm

By Dr. Alin Posteucă

BOOK RELEASE! I am very pleased to invite you to the launch of my latest book, the fourth, entitled SPEED-BASED TARGET PROFIT. After the release of the book by Productivity Press by Routledge/ Taylor & Francis on November 19, 2020 in New York, USA, I now have the pleasure to present the book to Romanian readers on December 15 (17: 30-18: 30) during an online event.

SBTP is a new paradigm for profitable production planning that integrates the measurement and improvement of productivity directly into the planning and scheduling of production activities.

I will present to managers, specialists, researchers and academics in Romania a practical approach to COST DOWN & CASH UP by applying a strong operational profitable production planning formula to meet profitability expectations through productivity based on a strong leadership mechanism.

The event’s agenda:

17:30 -17:35: Receiving guests and introducing participants

17:35 – 17:50: Dr. Alin POSTEUCĂ – Book presentation

17:50-18:05: John HEAP (UK), Managing Director The Institute of Productivity (UK); President of the European Association of National Productivity Centers (Germany)

18:05-18:15: Dorina GROSSU (Canada), Professor Lean Six Sigma at BITSPEC an International Accredited Training Org.

18:15-18:25: Florin LARION (USA), Lean Sensei/Master Black Belt at Shingijutsu Academy (Japan)

18:25-18:30: Messages

  • Shigeyasu SAKAMOTO, Ph.D. (Japan), CEO, Productivity Partner INC. Japan; Former Vice President of Maynard MEC AB (Sweden) and JMAC (Japan) &
  • Norman BODEK (USA), President of PCS Press; Teacher, Consultant, Author and Publisher; aka the ”Godfather of Lean”

18:30 -19:00: Discussions.

For all participants in my presentation who are interested in learning how to plan and develop a company for the continuous fulfillment of TAKT PROFIT in order to obtain THE RIGHT PROFIT using my new paradigm SPEED-BASED TARGET PROFIT, I will be happy to offer them 101 pages from my book.

More details about the book can be seen here.

I look forward to discussing productivity for the expected profitability in these times of crisis and beyond.

Strategic productivity and profitability consultant and researcher, Alin Posteucă, Ph.D., Ph.D. is transforming the way companies approach their strategic transformation. With over 20 years of management consulting experience, Posteucă has created effective concepts such as Strategic Kaizen, Takt Profit, KAIZENshiro Budgets and Costing. His research on production flow has led to innovative breakthroughs in strategic and operational productivity improvement.

Posteucă's investigation into typologies of losses and waste has identified feasible improvements that can achieve the ideal state of production flow, known as Synchronous Profitable Operations (SPO). His Takt Profit model allows the optimization of production planning, transforming profit per minute into objectives for strategic improvements achieved through Strategic Kaizen projects.

Posteucă's research has led to increased effectiveness in strategic improvements and has set the stage for future productivity in the world of manufacturing technology. He is laureate of the Romanian Academy of the "Traian Vuia" Prize, the highest scientific prize in Romania.