• Redeschiderea companiilor in criza Covid-19

The reopening of companies in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis

Today’s world revolves around COVID -19. What does it mean to reopen a company today?

In companies, the total avoidance of COVID-19 is the way and not the daily fight with it.

It’s like watching a contest with prizes about who has the courage to open a business again. I don’t think it’s a matter of courage on the part of some CEOs.

The reopening of companies means: the existence of customers, the existence of all suppliers, the existence of profit, a good quality level, on-time deliveries, etc. A complex set of factors is needed to achieve sustainable global productivity such as before the crisis, to ensure the profitability and dignified continuation of companies’ activities.

No matter how we look at the core flow of a company, the engine is man. In the current context caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the risk of only one person becoming ill is high, totally unpredictable and difficult to prevent. Then the risk of the whole company closing down due to infestation is just as high. Closing, disinfecting, starting and restarting a company means very high costs and there is a risk of irreparably damaging business relationships and reducing profitability to the point of elimination.

Repeated reopening attempts, returning to a state prior to COVID-19 can easily lead to bankruptcy. That means old solutions to new problems.

It is absolutely obvious that many will not be the same after COVID-19. Whole industries will disappear. Many companies already had extremely low profit margins before the pandemic. In this context, the risk that a large part of the people who are technically unemployed or who work from home now will not have a place to return is real and obvious.

Easy, easy will stay to do business only companies that:

  • (1) completely and innovatively redesigns its core flow anti-COVID-19, so that social distancing is fully respected; innovative flow redesign means productivity made within the company (with a lot of creativity for innovation and without a lot of money invested); there are already Japanese techniques established for this, or
  • (2) have a high degree of digitalization (or can soon withstand a high degree of digitalization); digitalization means purchased / external productivity (with large investments in Industry 4.0 solutions).

However, in both cases, companies do not have much time and if they want to survive and develop in the future, it would be good to find consultants with recognized expertise in extreme productivity increases. Extremely increased productivity is not learned overnight by employees.

Productivity experts can really help companies now!

What do you think?

Do you think the risk of unemployment after the pandemic due to Covid-19 infection of factory workers is a major one? Any comments are very welcome.


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Innovative redesign of processes for respecting social distance

Strategic productivity and profitability consultant and researcher, Alin Posteucă, Ph.D., Ph.D. is transforming the way companies approach their strategic transformation. With over 20 years of management consulting experience, Posteucă has created effective concepts such as Strategic Kaizen, Takt Profit, KAIZENshiro Budgets and Costing. His research on production flow has led to innovative breakthroughs in strategic and operational productivity improvement.

Posteucă's investigation into typologies of losses and waste has identified feasible improvements that can achieve the ideal state of production flow, known as Synchronous Profitable Operations (SPO). His Takt Profit model allows the optimization of production planning, transforming profit per minute into objectives for strategic improvements achieved through Strategic Kaizen projects.

Posteucă's research has led to increased effectiveness in strategic improvements and has set the stage for future productivity in the world of manufacturing technology. He is laureate of the Romanian Academy of the "Traian Vuia" Prize, the highest scientific prize in Romania.

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